
Key features of Db2 13 for z/OS delivered since general availability

Robert Catterall, IBM

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Since the May 31, 2022 general availability of Db2 13 for z/OS, multiple new features and functions have been delivered via APARs and post-501 function levels. In this session you will learn about key after-general-availability Db2 13 enhancements, including autobind phase-in, more-granular control of client-server application security via the profile tables, greater flexibility for online conversion of PBG to PBR table spaces, the AI_COMMONALITY function, and more.


Robert Catterall is a Principal Db2 for z/OS Technical Specialist with IBM. He started his IT career with IBM in 1982, and worked throughout the 1990s as a member of the Company’s Db2 for z/OS National Technical Support team. From 2000 to 2007, Robert worked as a database technology strategist for CheckFree (now part of Fiserv). After working for three years as an independent Db2 consultant, he rejoined IBM in 2010. Robert is a past President of the International Db2 Users Group (IDUG), and a member of IDUG’s Speakers Hall of Fame. He presents frequently at conferences and user group meetings, and blogs about Db2 for z/OS at http://robertsdb2blog.blogspot.com/